Our region has been on the front edge of the PCUSA with regard to starting new churches. For this, I am grateful and feel proud to be a part of such a community. The various “plants” that we have accomplished have been changing the landscape of Los Angeles into a place ever becoming like that of heaven. Again, very important work. To encourage our tribe to the next level, I would like to introduce the metaphor of a garden vs. a plant into our narrative. The work that we have been doing over the past five years has come from the perspective of creating a plant. An individual organism. Individual plants are good. They produce fruit and sometimes even multiply. (Which has happened in the case of our various efforts.) Our region has discerned that the next step in our process of starting new churches is not only to continue to support our various “plants”, but also to build a garden. A place where various plants can serve one another, can share common soil, and can more easily get the next seedling on the move toward bearing fruit. This is the work of Cyclical LA. We have created a garden where church starting discerners, church starters, and churches interested in starting new churches can all work together to accomplish our call as a church of being God’s salt and light to the places that we find ourselves. Our garden is just beginning and we are learning more than we could have imagined about the best way to start sustainable churches in Los Angeles. We have dozens of leaders already involved, a robust framework, and we have secured lots of resources to create thoughtful expressions of faith across numerous contexts. If you are interested in becoming a part of our garden, please contact Nick Warnes at nick@cyclicalLA.com to being to discern where your seeds might enter the larger ecosystem of starting new churches in Los Angeles. We would be honored to include you!